Early Intervention Services
Message to Parents
Raising children is an exciting and challenging experience, no matter what their age. You are the most important, consistent person in your child’s life. This is why you might notice that he or she is growing and developing differently than a cousin or brother at that age. What you are noticing are changes in different developmental areas. While all children grow and change at their own rate, some children can experience delays in their development. Sometimes this can be a cause for concern.
Call us. We can help!
Our Early Intervention Team consists of many professionals that are experienced in child development. We will not diagnose or label your child; rather we work with them and your family to reach their maximum potential.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention is a no cost program for children birth to three who have been identified with special needs and meet the eligibility requirements. This program is designed to help families better meet the needs of their child. Through a family training model services are provided in the child’s natural environment with the active participation of their parents and other caregivers. These services can include: home based instruction, physical, occupational and speech therapies, case management services and tracking (monitoring a child’s development.)
What is the purpose of Early Intervention?
“It is a comprehensive, coordinated, collaborative, and cohesive system of supports that optimizes children’s development with emphasis on their value to society. It supports, not supplants, the family’s responsibility of caring for their children.” (State ICC) The program will answer questions regarding a child’s development. It will help children with developmental delays be more independent and assist communities in becoming more aware of the gifts and abilities of all children.
Who is eligible for services?
A child referred to the program will receive an evaluation conducted by a trained professional who will assess all five developmental areas (cognitive, physical, social/emotional, self-help, and language/speech.) If the child shows a delay of 25% or more (in months) in at least one of the five areas, they are eligible for services. There are additional criteria based on informed clinical opinion and diagnosed medical conditions which have a high probability of resulting in developmental delay.
Who provides these services?
The Lycoming-Clinton MH/ID program provides the funding for birth to three and the Intermediate Units in both counties fund from three to school age.