Lycoming County Children and Youth Services Map
Do you have concerns for the safety (abuse, neglect, or exploitation) of a child or children living in Lycoming County?
If Yes, CALL US IMMEDIATELY at 570-326-7895.
Anyone can make a report of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child by calling Lycoming Children and Youth Services (LCYS) at 570-326-7895 OR file an anonymous report by calling ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.
A Case Worker screens reported concerns, that will lead to one of two outcomes:
Report does not meet LCYS or state mandated services criteria and there are no child safety and/or risk concerns. Caller may be referred to another LCYS service or to other community services.
Report meets LCYS and State mandated services criteria.
Assessment begins to determine child’s safety and risk.
If the Assessment determines minimal or no safety concerns, no child welfare services are needed.
If the Assessment determines child safety or risk concerns exist, child welfare and/or community services may be offered to address identified family needs.
The family may be referred to LCYS for services.
If the family is not agreeable to voluntary services, LCYS may file Dependency petition with the court. Family attends court and court orders services and interventions to address safety, wellbeing, and permanency.
If the family voluntarily accepts services, an In-Home LCYS case is opened.
The Child/Children stays with the family, and services are provided to the child and family.
If/when risk and safety concerns are minimized, the case is closed.
If an immediate safety threat is identified, the Child/Children is placed in out-of-home care and services are provided to the child and family.
This could result in one of the following outcomes:
Reunification with the family.
Custody to a relative or kin, temporary or permanent legal custodianship.
Termination of parental rights and adoption.
Independent living with permanent connections.