Lycoming Foster Care


Be The Difference. Foster A Child. Partner With Us.

Our Mission

Lycoming Foster Care is a protective service for children through Lycoming Children & Youth Services. Foster Care involves all people who may take on the task of housing, caring for, providing stability, and loving children who cannot remain safe in their own home.

Our primary goal is to keep families together and reunite them as soon as possible. We partner with strong, stable and nurturing foster families to provide homes for infants, young children, teens, and young adults.  


The Difference

We help Lycoming County children stay in Lycoming County by partnering with supportive foster families in our community.

It’s important to us that children stay in our community. We have seen the positive impact when neighbors, friends, relatives, and community members stay involved with the family and the child(ren) who need our care. That’s why we’re looking for caring, strong, kind and stable adults or parents living in Lycoming County to be difference-makers and foster a child. When you partner with Lycoming Foster Care, you are helping children from our own community.

We are looking for strong foster families who are willing to provide our local children in need with a family. Our goal is to keep Lycoming County children in our community. We invite you to be difference-makers and teachers. We ask that you show a child — and their family — how to be successful in life.

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Potential Foster Parent(s):

  • May be married or single

  • May have children of their own

  • Must be at least 21 years of age

  • Must be financially stable and able to meet their own needs

  • Have a residence that meets the defined regulatory standards

  • Must be willing to participate in a personal and home assessment by LCYS staff

  • Must complete and pass required child abuse, state police and FBI clearances

  • Must complete a medical assessment

  • Must complete orientation and ongoing training

If you are interested in partnering with us to become a foster parent,

please contact us at 570-326-7895 and ask to speak to a Foster Care Coordinator.