Map & Directions

Directions to Joinder Lycoming County Office

Our Main Office is located at 33 West Third Street, 4th Floor, Williamsport, PA.


Directions from East on I-180/Route-220 North/Route-15 South

  1. As you approach Williamsport, I-180, 220 North and 15 South merge briefly into one road.

  2. Take the US-15S/Market Street Exit (27A), staying in the right lane on the exit ramp. 

  3. Turn right onto the Market Street Bridge.

  4. Turn left onto W. Church Street. 

  5. Convenient parking at the Third Street Parking Garage will be on your right.

  6. The building is one block before the parking garage (in the direction from which you came) on the right. It is a large building that also incudes the Lycoming Count Treasurer’s Office, Lycoming County Veterans Office, Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Office, and Julie’s Cafe.

Directions from West I-180/South Route-220

  1. As you approach Williamsport, I-180, 220 North and 15 South merge briefly into one road.

  2. Take the US-15S/Market Street Exit (27A), staying in the left lane on the exit ramp. 

  3. Turn left onto the Market Street Bridge.

  4. Turn left onto W. Church Street. 

  5. Convenient parking at the Third Street Parking Garage will be on your right.

  6. The building is one block before the parking garage (in the direction from which you came) on the right. It is a large building that also incudes the Lycoming Count Treasurer’s Office, Lycoming County Veterans Office, Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Office, and Julie’s Cafe.

Directions from Interstate 80

  1. Take exit 30N from the Interstate. 

  2. You will then be on Route 15 North, follow this approximately 20 miles. 

  3. As you approach Williamsport, you will pass a Beiter's Appliance Store (on your left) and the Little League Complex (on the right). 

  4. You will then pass through three traffic lights. After the third light you will be on the Market Street bridge. 

  5. Travel over the bridge into Williamsport. 

  6. Before reaching the first light after the bridge (3rd Street), take a left onto W. Church Street. 

  7. Convenient parking at the Third Street Parking Garage will be on your right.

  8. The building is one block before the parking garage (in the direction from which you came) on the right. It is a large building that also incudes the Lycoming Count Treasurer’s Office, Lycoming County Veterans Office, Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Office, and Julie’s Cafe.

Directions from 15 North

  1. Follow routes 11/15 from Harrisburg. At Shamokin Dam, 11 & 15 separate, follow route 15 North. 

  2. Outside of Lewisburg, you will pass the interchange with Route 80. Stay on 15 North; Williamsport is approximately 20 miles from this point. 

  3. As you approach Williamsport, you will pass a Beiter's Appliance Store (on your left) and the Little League Complex (on the right). 

  4. You will then pass through three traffic lights. After the third light you will be on the Market Street bridge. 

  5. Travel over the bridge into Williamsport. 

  6. Before reaching the first light after the bridge (3rd Street), take a left onto W. Church Street. 

  7. Convenient parking at the Third Street Parking Garage will be on your right.

  8. The building is one block before the parking garage (in the direction from which you came) on the right. It is a large building that also incudes the Lycoming Count Treasurer’s Office, Lycoming County Veterans Office, Lycoming County Planning & Community Development Office, and Julie’s Cafe.

Directions to Joinder Clinton County Office


Directions to Lock Haven Satellite Office 

  1. Take the Lock Haven Exit off Route 220 (North or South). 

  2. Take the Walnut Street Exit. 

  3. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left. 

  4. You will pass under the highway bridge. 

  5. Take the first right turn. 

  6. You will travel a short distance, passing over railroad tracks. 

  7. Turn right immediately after crossing the tracks. 

  8. The office is in the long building that sits atop the hill on your left.