Lycoming-Clinton Counties Human Services Map
We’ve put together a Services Map to help guide you to the right agency for the right service(s) for you and your family. These questions are intended to guide you to the services we offer.
Do you have a concern about a substance abuse problem?
If Yes, please visit our Substance Abuse Treatment Map.
If No, please continue to the next question.
Is this a concern about intellectual deficits?
If Yes, please visit our Intellectual Disability Services Map.
If No, please continue to the next question.
Is this a concern about mental health or emotional well being?
If Yes, Is the person needing help over age 18?
If Yes, please visit our Adult Mental Health Services Map.
If the person is under 18, please visit our Children’s Early Intervention and Mental Health Services Map.
If No, please continue to the next question.
Is this a concern about a child’s development?
If Yes, please visit our Children’s Early Intervention and Mental Health Services Map.
If No, please continue to the next question.
Is the person needing help age 60 or older?
If Yes, please visit our Aging Services Map.
If No, please continue to the next question.
Is this a concern about a child under age 18 being abused or neglected?
If Yes, please visit our Children Youth and Families Services Map (Lycoming County | Clinton County).
Has a youth under age 18 been arrested or referred to Juvenile Probation?
If Yes, please visit our Juvenile Justice Map (Lycoming County | Clinton County).
If no, please call us. If you or the person you are calling about lives in Lycoming County, call (570) 327-2200 or Clinton County call (570) 893-4000.